About the Activity
Training Leaders :

“Ravi international Ministries” is training indigenous leaders for pioneer ministry. Native workers are being trained for 15 weeks and sent to the mission fields, the places where the Gospel has never before been preached.

One of the effective evangelistic methodology adopted by “Ravi Ministries Fellowship” to impact the people of India with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is to plant new Churches throughout the unreached areas in the country. As the number of disciples multiplies by the spreading of Gospel, it is necessary to establish spiritually vibrant and dynamically reproducing churches located in strategically important places.

The purpose of this ministry is to reach new generations and new people groups with the Word of God and establish congregations with strong traditional values with Biblical foundation. These new churches are also a field to surface efficient and strong spiritual leaders with deep Gospel orientation.

It is with this vision that has trained and sent out hundreds of native missionaries in various parts of India and planted about 77 churches.

Many more leaders are needed to reach out to millions who need to hear about Jesus. We need help in training additional native missionaries.

Sponsor a Training student for $30 a month

work among tribals

Work Among Tribals India has about 70 Millions tribals belonging to about 461 tribal clans. Most of the tribals are...
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