About the Activity


India is one of the most difficult countries for children to grow up in, especially if they’re born into a poor family. With a large population living well below the poverty line, most children grow up without basics such as housing, sufficient food, and education. Every minute of the day, children suffer. Child labor, child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, and many other forms of violence and abuse are commonplace. Millions of children do not have privilege to go to school due to extreme poverty.

The “Ravi Kumar International Ministries” is providing Christ Centred education to the Hundreds of poor and backward children of India.

Many Poor children are in need of   sponsorship. Would you consider sponsoring a child? Your gift will provide meals, school supplies, uniform and education for a child in the Vidya Jyothi School.

For just US $20/month you can sponsor a student in the School to provide education, meals, uniform, and school supplies.Without help, there is no escaping this torturous fate. But with the help of donors, the suffering ends.

