Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amein. Matthew 28:19-20

Partnering with RIM will help your church or small group fulfill the Great Commission !

Fulfilling the great commission isn’t always easy, especially if you are church or small group with limited resources, but when you partner with Ravi Kumar International  Ministries your church or small group has the opportunity participate in global missions outreach. If you are looking for a way to reach lost for Jesus Christ, if you want to build God’s Kingdom by spreading His word, if you want to serve those living in desperate poverty while offering hope for the future, then we invite you to partnership with RIM pursing the Lord’s call to missions.

Your church or small group can have an eternal impact on those who have never heard the Gospel and desperately need someone to reach out with compassion.

Just imagine the opportunities your church or small group can have simply by getting involved in the many opportunities available through Grace Children Ministries. There are several ways that your church or small group can get involved in RIM missions

Your church or small group may decide that you want to commit support to the Children’s Home called “ Catalyst Hope Center ” which is operating under Ravi Kumar International  Ministries. Currently there are 260 children with more children to expect in the near future.

Or maybe your church or small group can get involved into the Homeless Aged and Widows project called “Home for Hopless“ to help the destitute and abandoned widows in order to provide free food, free clothing and free medical assistance.

Perhaps your church or small group desires to help build churches, children’s homes, schools or to provide basic necessities to medical camps, reach out the communities through a water well or support the efforts of young adults to obtain vocational education. Maybe your church or small group can support one of our study centers. If so, start by learning more of about what we do.

Your church or small group can make a significant and lasting impact for the kingdom of God.

Please Join with RIM today. Together we can make a big difference!